
Mars cheesecake

I made this cheesecake to celebrate Mother's Day. It is dedicated to all the mothers in my family, the oldest, the youngest, and especially to my "Big one", "la mia mamma" as we say in Italy. She is not a queen in the kitchen (just a Master in lasagne), but she has always fed us with all the love she has. She is the most generous and supportive person in the world. Grazie mamma e auguri!
Mars cheesecake

(the recipe is taken from the Italian Guida Cucina magazine, year 2011, n.3. Makes 10 servings)

250 g chocolate shortbread cookies
150 g melted butter
2 tablespoons cane sugar
20 g butter
300 ml liquid cream
50 g milk chocolate 
3 teaspoons gelatin
60 ml water
500 g soft ricotta cheese
90 g sugar
180 g Mars bars cut into little pieces

Crumble the cookies to dust and mix with the melted butter. Pour the compound in a cake mold and press it to let it thick well. Cover and put in the fridge to cool for at least half an hour. Cook in a pan at low flame 20 g butter with 2 tablespoons cream and 2 tablespoons cane sugar till the sugar is melted. In another pan, still at low flame, melt milk chocolate with 2 tablespoons cream. Melt gelatin in a bain-marie, let it cool for 5 minutes. Work together ricotta and sugar with electric whips, in another bowl whip the remaining cream. Mix delicately the lukewarm gelatin with the ricotta cream, add Mars pieces and lastly, the whipped cream. Pour half compound in the cake mold, half butter cream and half melted chocolate, stir to create a variegated effect. Finish pouring another layer of the remaining ingredients, cover the cake with kitchen film and let it cool in the fridge for at least  three hours before serving. Decorate with chocolate curls, made with a potato peeler. 

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